Water Rates & Policies
Listed below, you will find the City of Echo current water rates and policies. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will provide it for you.
Should you experience a problem with your water, please call 507-925-4190. We will do everything possible to locate the problem with your water service.
Water/Sewer Bill Payment Policy Change:
At the September 12th, 2023 City Council Meeting for the City of Echo, an amendment to ordinance Chapter 6 Section 6.108 "Collection of Fees". The Ordinance will read as follows:
If any person, business, or corporation shall refuse payment of said water usage charge, by the 20th of the month, notice will be given on the 21st of the month. and shall be given 7 days to written notice. If after said period of time, payment has not been made, the city has the power to disconnect water service, and/or the Council may direct the clerk to levy charges against the property as a special assessment to be paid in a single installment with the following year's property taxes and the clerk shall certify said levy with the County's Auditor on or before October 1 of each year.
In short, if your water/sewer bill is not paid for by the 20th, you will receive a notice on the 21st that your bill must be paid by the 28th or your water will be shutoff until paid in full. An additional disconnect fee of $40 and a reconnect fee of $40 will be added to the bill if water is shut off. If the seventh day falls on weekend, the bill must be paid by the following Monday.
Questions? Please call the city office at 507-925-4190.

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